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Blog: Innovation – Blockchain and sustainability

Blockchain & sustainability: keys to a future-proof supply chain

What do blockchain and sustainability have in common? They both are necessary innovations for a future-proof supply chain. In which collaboration is taken to a whole new level.

Greener fleet

Where blockchain technology is redefining the future of the supply chain, investing in sustainability is already key to healthy day-to-day operations. Innovative solutions to improve sustainability have become a necessity when it comes to the last mile, where activity has increased dramatically due to E-commerce. Infrastructure simply can’t handle this increase, while at the same time an increasing amount of European (inner)cities also have put a ban on diesel trucks. Creating a greener fleet for the last mile, with city distribution centers, electric vehicles and distribution per bike is indispensable.

Out-of-the-box opportunities

But sustainability is about more than creating a better footprint for the last mile. It brings ample opportunities for optimizing the entire supply chain and out-of-the-box opportunities to work with companies in- and outside the logistic sector. Think about solar energy for instance: the increasing amount of warehouses and thereby the increasing amount of square miles of flat roofs, would that not be a great opportunity to generate (your own) solar energy by placing solar panels on those roofs? Is there a possibility as well for generating solar energy on ocean going vessels?

Facing polluting problems

Closer to home within the logistic industry we could gain so much when we would work together on coming up with solutions for polluting problems like the amount of plastic wrapping involved in our industry, reducing the empty miles and improving last mile hit rates. Can we think of opportunities to work together, come-up with ideas and share solutions to reduce those problems and with that optimize our supply chain and reduce our footprint?

Taking the slack out

Blockchain innovations could be the key to do so. How? Imagine a supply chain were all parties involved – from end-customer to last mile deliverer and from shipper to customs – can put not only their data in the chain, but can also oversee the activities from other parties.

With a uniform, decentralized system, involved parties can anticipate to a hick up much faster. Thus taking the slack out of and improve the supply chain and increase customer satisfaction.

Blockchain against counterfeit problems

Blockchain technology can also become the solution against counterfeit products: with customs being able to scan a product and immediately see where it started its journey. This tracking possibility is already happening in China where consumers can scan milk powder products in the store and immediately get all data involved, from origin to shipment!

Although blockchain technology is still in its early childhood stages, it is an important innovation to keep an eye on. Make sure you stay ahead of the game by being ready to implement when it is there.

The future is exciting, lets explore it together!

August 6th 2018

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Jasper Eggebeen

Senior Manager Supply Chain Solutions

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