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South East Asia

The Netherlands, your gateway to the European market


Central location within the European market
Reach 244 million consumers within 1000 kilometers
First-class infrastructure
Our world-class airport, top-ranked seaports and high-speed road, rail and broadband networks are second to none
The Dutch are fluent in English
Some 90% of Dutch speak English — the language of business worldwide — and many people are multilingual
Favorable business climate
Efficient and cost-effective customs service: flexible approach, facilitating trade, highly digitized
We roll out the orange carpet
Holland International Distribution Council offers free, confidential services to make your entry to Europe as smooth as it can be

The Netherlands, your partner to successful European logistics

As one of the crossroads of trade within Europe, The Netherlands ranks consistently as a top destination.

Prologis 2017-2018

In close proximity to Europe’s main consumer markets, The Netherlands is the starting point for your European supply chain. We deliver optimized supply chain solutions from manufacturer to customer. Reliable, fast and efficient, using the latest technology.

The Netherlands is centrally located between Europeans main consumer markets Germany, The UK and France. 170 million consumers are within a 300-mile radius. Our world class ports combined with Holland’s extensive infrastructure and great hinterland connections, can help you set up the most efficient supply chain meeting your customer’s needs. All major industrial and economic centers in Western Europe can be reached within 24 hours.

The Netherlands supports your European supply chain with pro-business regulations and a pro-active, highly digitized customs service. It makes for easier import and faster distribution to your European customers.


  • Bonded warehousing
  • VAT deferment
  • Upfront ruling
  • Easier to obtain customs licenses
  • Single import to the EU

The Netherlands is one of the largest importers of electronics and a major player in the development and production of cutting edge technology.

That’s why so many Asian multinationals have their EDC in The Netherlands. They are served by Dutch LSPs, specialized in high-tech systems and support services, offering flexible, consumer driven supply chain solutions.
This helps you meet the challenges of today’s high-tech industry where products become technically more complex, while their life cycles become shorter and customer channels go from e-tail to me-tail.
The Netherlands, e-gate to Europe

E-commerce is a fast growing business.

By 2020, it is estimated that 25% of total retail sales in Europe will be online. Customer satisfaction is key to success in this sector. Customers expect a range of options not only in products, but also in delivery times and speed. Requiring an efficient pan-European supply chain from manufacturer to delivery.

The Netherlands has a strong presence of logistics service providers, specialized in e-commerce supply chains and support services, who stand out in operational excellence, higher picking accuracy and increased productivity. Supported by late order cut-off times, due to flexible labour regulations, it makes the difference in customer satisfaction.

Optimally serve your European customer. Use The Netherlands as your gateway.